Are you getting rid of a computer? Make sure that before you part ways with your device, you wipe the hard drive, as it removes any personal or sensitive data that might be stored on the device. Contrary to what you may think, clearing your web browsing history or emptying your recycling bin doesn’t permanently […]
Nothing gets hardcore gamers more excited than upgrading to brand-new consoles. The new Xbox Series X has already sold millions of consoles globally, and PlayStation® has already announced the release of the PlayStation® 6 within the next two years. With new consoles coming out almost every year from one or more of the major video […]
Electronic waste (e-waste) isn’t a minor problem. According to a Statista dossier, the amount of electronic waste generated worldwide has continually increased since 2010. In fact, the most recent data from 2019 shows that 53.6 million metric tons of e-waste was generated in just one year. Although screens/monitors, and small IT equipment, like laptops, only […]
If your hard drive has failed, you can’t just throw it away. Even a bad hard drive will contain sensitive data that can be recovered. Additionally, hard drives that get tossed into landfills won’t biodegrade. In fact, external hard drives can create greenhouse gas emissions as they sit in landfills. So, don’t throw your hard […]
E-waste refers to discarded electronic devices. Some of the most common examples of e-waste include computers, televisions, VCRs, DVD players, cameras, and CD players. Many people think that once a computer, cell phone, or other electronic device reaches the end of its useful life, it’s okay to just throw it away, but that’s simply not […]
When batteries are thrown into landfills, they leach toxic chemicals like cadmium, lithium, and lead, into the soil. These poisonous substances will eventually infiltrate nearby streams and rivers. Additionally, many of these substances can even pollute the air. That’s why you should opt for battery recycling. Nowadays, recycling batteries has never been easier. In this […]
Are you looking for a way to create a more sustainable home office? From implementing low-wattage electronics to incorporating plants into your office, there are a wide array of steps you could take. In this article we’ll cover electronics recycling, waste reduction, and other “green” tips you can use to create a better home office […]
Whether you’ve been working from home for a while, or are just creating your own home office, it’s important to stay organized. One way to stay organized is to properly dispose of waste, particularly e-waste. You cannot simply toss old electronics in the garbage can. Instead of throwing away old devices, you should take advantage […]
Everyone can play a significant role in keeping our environment clean and healthy by participating in electronic recycling. Households, business owners, and manufacturers should learn where their local electronics recycling center is, and how easy it can be to recycle old electrical equipment and electronic devices. If you’re new to the electronic waste recycling movement, […]